Actually, your credit score has a better chance of improving after you file a bankruptcy. Although a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy will show on your credit report for 10 years that does not mean that your score will remain stagnant during that time, it can and will improve. In most cases, the financial situation that led you to bankruptcy already caused a drop in your credit score. Once you receive a bankruptcy discharge and you are ideally in a better position to pay your pills in full and on time, those actions will be reflected and your credit score will go up.
When you call CBAP we will screen your income to see if you are financially eligible for our FREE services. If you are financially eligible you will be referred to a private attorney who has agreed to accept your case for FREE. If you proceed with a bankruptcy filing the court fee is $335 however, CBAP will review your income, spending, and expenses to see if you may qualify for a fee waiver. CBAP attorneys understand that you are coming to us in a financial crisis and will screen for free or reduced fees whenever possible. If you are not financially eligible for our services we can refer you to a reduced fee program or other private attorney.
Unfortunately, no. A Chapter 7 bankruptcy CAN discharge (wipe out or erase) such debts as credit cards, medical expenses, and utility back payments. However, a Chapter 7 CANNOT discharge child support, alimony, student loans, and certain fines or criminal fees. Don’t hesitate to give us a call if you have questions about whether the type of debt you have can be discharged in a bankruptcy.
Many people think that filing for bankruptcy means they will have to sell everything including their house and car. However, the bankruptcy code allows you to keep certain items up to a certain value, these are called exemptions. Our attorneys will help you understand exactly what exemptions apply to your property and possessions in order to help you decide whether a Chapter 7 bankruptcy is right for you.
No, creditors cannot continue to harass you once you have filed for bankruptcy. Once you file bankruptcy, the bankruptcy court will issue an order, called an automatic stay, informing your creditors and stating they should leave you alone. Not only must the creditor stop trying to collect from you but they are not even allowed to contact you.