Every donation helps CBAP provide free legal services to families in need
Without CBAP’s help our clients would essentially be too poor to file for bankruptcy. Your donation makes a real and profound difference in the everyday lives of the low-income and working class families that seek our help. Thank you for helping us give members of our community a financial fresh start. All donations to support our mission are tax deductible.
Recurring Donations
We thank you for your ongoing support!
Other Ways to Give
Please select Consumer Bankruptcy Assistance Project as your charity of choice for Amazon Smile. A
small portion of every Amazon Smile purchase gets donated back to CBAP!
United Way
If your workplace supports charitable giving through the United Way, you can use Donor’s Choice to
select Consumer Bankruptcy Assistance Project, donor code 10073.
If you prefer to contribute by check please make checks payable to Consumer Bankruptcy
Assistance Project and mail the check to:
Consumer Bankruptcy Assistance Project
Attn: Sherry Hoban, Executive Director
718 Arch St. Suite 300N
Philadelphia, PA 19106